Sunday, September 5, 2010

PAX 2010: Day 2

Another good day at PAX today. Spent a good bit of the day at the exhibit hall with Nephew Rob playing various games there.

First up was Halo Reach. Pretty good for a console shooter (which I don't generally like). Seemed to play like the other Halo games with some minor improvements.

And one of the finds of the day was a remake of Archon. Yes... the very same Archon of 1983 fame. Played it for a little while with Rob. It played very much like the original, but had some new features which were pretty neat. I spend some time talking to the developer, who was pretty cool. He actually bought the Archon franchise from the original developer, which should give him additional options to continue the franchise.

Also saw another neat game called Spy Party. Pretty fresh idea, fun gameplay, and depth will make this an interesting one when released.

In the evening, actually played a 1 hour D&D game with Sam and Rob. This was their first time at playing D&D, and they both really enjoyed it. The game was based on the D&D essentials rules, so it took some getting used to. The DM was great and helped us keep things going. Everyone liked it enought that we will probably play again tomorrow.

We finished off the night by playing Settlers of America, which is a off-shoot of the Settlers of Catan game. It was a lot of fun. Sam and Rob even liked it.

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