Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Kid commentary on super colliders and origins of the universe

I was talking to the kids today about the exciting discoveries that may be happening at the Large Hadron Collider & CERN.  I tried to explain, in grade school terms, smashing atoms to find out what they are made of.  Of course, they ask why you would do that.  I replied, "to know how the universe was formed".  Noah, to my surprise, stated, "That's easy".  Shocked, I ask him to explain.  He simply stated, matter-of-factly, that "God created it".  Priceless.  We are certainly getting our money's worth from Catholic school education :).

Suddenly, I found myself caught in a difficult spot between Creationism and Science. Fortunately, I think I managed an reasonable response by stating, "Ah.  The question reallly isn't about God creating the universe, it is about HOW he created it".  Dodged.... for now. :-)

This is a priceless conversation.


vaxhacker said...

Good catch. Gearing up for them to learn about biology and evolution next?

Roy said...

Chris, if you enjoy cosmological, and the occasional particle physics, articles, Starts with a Bang is one of my favorite blogs - http://scienceblogs.com/startswithabang/

Dr. Siegel is a neighbor of yours in Portland.

ledaga said...

Good statement by Noah and a good reply by you. I remember similar times with you and Nikki.